lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2021

 Hi everyone!

The truth is that when I was little I watched many series and I could not choose my favorite, so I will tell you about the ones that I remember the most from my childhood.

One of the ones I liked the most was Zoboomafoo, which is an American series that seeks to show the animal world to children. It was a very entertaining series as it was very dynamic, fun and stimulating. I saw this series when I was very young, I hardly remember the episodes, I just know that I loved watching it a lot and it made me very happy.

Another series that I most liked to watch was Jake long: the western dragon, it is a Disney Channel series, it is about by a child who transforms into a dragon and his duty is to protect the magical beings that inhabit certain places in New York. I always watched this series before I went to school while having breakfast with my parents.

I would like the animated series of my childhood to return, since I find that the series of these generations are very boring.

Thanks for reading my blog this week. Greetings!

6 comentarios:

  1. Zobomafoo taught me a lot as a kid, although I must admit that the stuffed animal scared me.

  2. You unlocked in me the memory of watching Zoboomafoo, and also how much I loved watching Jake long and singing the intro hahaha.

  3. I also watched these series, I really liked Jake Long!

  4. Hi, Jake Long is one of the most entertaining series, I really liked those series where the characters had powers.

  5. I also loved "zoboomafoo".I also watched "Jake long" when I discovered Disney channel.

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