lunes, 17 de enero de 2022

Hi everyone!


Today I come to talk about the changes to my study program.

I'm in the fourth semester of my career (I am studying Chemistry and Pharmacy). Until now, everything has been very overloaded with classes and subjects to study. I really feel that some contents are unnecessary and that when we graduate they will not be of any use to us, and if the most important subjects were chosen to study, class hours and the total duration of the degree would be much shorter, which would be fantastic. I would also like them to have more interesting CFG and with more places for students, since whenever there is an interesting workshop it has the minimum number of places. These workshops would be something very beneficial for the students since it would serve to distract us in an entertaining, cultural way and also get us out of the routine a bit, such as workshops that are related to astronomy, art, sustainability, music, etc.
Now, with regard to the infrastructure of the university, the truth is that I do not know very well all the buildings of the faculty or how they are made up, since I have only been a couple of times (I entered the year 2020, in the midst of a pandemic so that I have only been able to go for the practicals and some tests), but at first glance I would like it to have many more green areas, since it only has a small part of grass and the rest is pure cement, I feel that students value much more a comfortable and natural place to relax after leaving classes or a stressful test.
And finally, regarding the teaching methods, I would like it much more if the teachers dedicated themselves to teaching in a good way, since many times they only read the PPT (especially in some subjects that are more difficult).

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Hi everyone!   Today I come to talk about the changes to my study program. I'm in the fourth semester of my career (I am studying Chemis...