viernes, 7 de enero de 2022

Hi everyone!

I´m a person who is very connected to the present but I am also intrigued and uncertain about the future. If I had to choose between traveling to the past or to the future, without a doubt, I would travel to the past, to discover and know the origin of humanity. But this time, I will take the risk to choose a date to travel to the future, even if it is not so much to my liking. I would like to travel to all countries for the year 3,333, but especially Chile, first because I believe a lot in numerology and this number means positive energy and balance, so I feel that these virtues should be reflected in society in that year. It would be great to see significant progress especially related to the environment and human rights. I would like climate change to be obsolete, and for the nature that we have lost today to recover. I would like everything to be fairer, for people to be respectful, and for all of us to be free in the way we please, leaving aside discrimination in any aspect and lack of respect.

Without a doubt, if I traveled to that year and saw that the changes are favorable, I would love to stay there, but it would be difficult for me to put my current life aside, since all my loved ones would stay in 2022 and I would feel alone to be able to continue with a whole new life.

8 comentarios:

  1. It would be sad to leave our loved ones to stay in the future :(

  2. hi josefina, it would be awesome to have such a future.

  3. It is interesting the year you chose :o. I had no idea it had that meaning.

  4. Hi, I too hope that in the future people will be more empathetic and kinder to the environment.

  5. Hi! I had never heard of numerology, it seems interesting!

  6. Hi jose! I agree with all of your words, I just hope happiness for everyone, and I would also feel very sad leaving my loved ones in the past. Regards!

  7. Hi! How entertaining that you like numerology I would also like to learn. His analysis of the year is interesting and how scary those "buildings" give me

  8. I would love to be optimistic like that :c


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