lunes, 17 de enero de 2022

Hi everyone!


Today I come to talk about the changes to my study program.

I'm in the fourth semester of my career (I am studying Chemistry and Pharmacy). Until now, everything has been very overloaded with classes and subjects to study. I really feel that some contents are unnecessary and that when we graduate they will not be of any use to us, and if the most important subjects were chosen to study, class hours and the total duration of the degree would be much shorter, which would be fantastic. I would also like them to have more interesting CFG and with more places for students, since whenever there is an interesting workshop it has the minimum number of places. These workshops would be something very beneficial for the students since it would serve to distract us in an entertaining, cultural way and also get us out of the routine a bit, such as workshops that are related to astronomy, art, sustainability, music, etc.
Now, with regard to the infrastructure of the university, the truth is that I do not know very well all the buildings of the faculty or how they are made up, since I have only been a couple of times (I entered the year 2020, in the midst of a pandemic so that I have only been able to go for the practicals and some tests), but at first glance I would like it to have many more green areas, since it only has a small part of grass and the rest is pure cement, I feel that students value much more a comfortable and natural place to relax after leaving classes or a stressful test.
And finally, regarding the teaching methods, I would like it much more if the teachers dedicated themselves to teaching in a good way, since many times they only read the PPT (especially in some subjects that are more difficult).

viernes, 7 de enero de 2022

Hi everyone!

I´m a person who is very connected to the present but I am also intrigued and uncertain about the future. If I had to choose between traveling to the past or to the future, without a doubt, I would travel to the past, to discover and know the origin of humanity. But this time, I will take the risk to choose a date to travel to the future, even if it is not so much to my liking. I would like to travel to all countries for the year 3,333, but especially Chile, first because I believe a lot in numerology and this number means positive energy and balance, so I feel that these virtues should be reflected in society in that year. It would be great to see significant progress especially related to the environment and human rights. I would like climate change to be obsolete, and for the nature that we have lost today to recover. I would like everything to be fairer, for people to be respectful, and for all of us to be free in the way we please, leaving aside discrimination in any aspect and lack of respect.

Without a doubt, if I traveled to that year and saw that the changes are favorable, I would love to stay there, but it would be difficult for me to put my current life aside, since all my loved ones would stay in 2022 and I would feel alone to be able to continue with a whole new life.

Hi everyone!

I´m Josefina and I study chemistry and pharmacy and today I am here to talk about what I would like to do when I graduate from university.

After working for a while in laboratories, pharmacies, etc., I would like to become independent and have my own company, which is responsible for creating vegan products of natural origin, this in order not to depend on any company and also to encourage the use of environmentally friendly products. Ideally, I would like to work in a place where I feel comfortable and close to nature, the least I want is to work indoors like in an office.

I would like to incorporate holistic therapies that go hand in hand with the products, such as reiki, acupuncture, meditation, bach flowers, etc. The advantage of working with the same nature to heal is that it does not act harmful in the body and the unwanted effects are very limited compared to most of the synthetic products created by the big pharmaceutical companies.

I feel that becoming independent will open many doors for me to travel and visit many countries to exercise what I know, I would love to travel volunteering and teach other people to create their products of natural origin.

Thank you very much for reading!

lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2021

 Hi everyone!

The truth is that when I was little I watched many series and I could not choose my favorite, so I will tell you about the ones that I remember the most from my childhood.

One of the ones I liked the most was Zoboomafoo, which is an American series that seeks to show the animal world to children. It was a very entertaining series as it was very dynamic, fun and stimulating. I saw this series when I was very young, I hardly remember the episodes, I just know that I loved watching it a lot and it made me very happy.

Another series that I most liked to watch was Jake long: the western dragon, it is a Disney Channel series, it is about by a child who transforms into a dragon and his duty is to protect the magical beings that inhabit certain places in New York. I always watched this series before I went to school while having breakfast with my parents.

I would like the animated series of my childhood to return, since I find that the series of these generations are very boring.

Thanks for reading my blog this week. Greetings!

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2021


Today I come to talk to you about my furry companion. Its name is Indigo and it is a small kitten of only 2 months and a few days. The truth is that I adopted it when I was approximately 1 month and 1 week, that is, a few weeks ago.

The first thing that caught my attention about him is that he has fur like a tiger and his little legs are white, they look like gloves. It has its blue eyes, but they change colour depending on the day. It is a kitten with a lot of energy, it is playful and friendly. The truth is, at first I thought it would be a shy kitten, since when he arrived at my house, the first few days it would hide under the couch or get scared quickly, but then it gained confidence and I realized that it is the opposite of a shy kitten, because one day my friends came and he began to play with each of them, besides running around the house playing with whatever he found.

In short, this colleague came to brighten my life, to give me unconditional affection and company.


viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021



Today I come to talk to you about one of the best vacations I have ever had.

The truth is, I love to be constantly traveling and I feel that each experience gains a space in my heart and leaves me some learning, but one of the most special and exciting has been traveling to Mexico with my dad in 2018, which was the year in which I graduated from high school. It was not such a long trip, since I only went for 1 week but I made the most of it.

We went to a resort that was next to Playa del Carmen, it had a pool, a disco, an open bar and many outdoor activities that you could participate in. The second day of our stay there, we took a tour of the state of Yucatan. They took us on a visit to Kaua, Valladolid, and finally to Chichen Itzá, which is a legendary Mayan city that is a world heritage site and one of the 7 wonders of the world.

It was a very special trip, as I learned about a very interesting culture that is noted for its knowledge of astronomy, mathematics art, and architecture.

martes, 26 de octubre de 2021


Hi everyone!

Today I come to talk to you about one of the countries that I would love to visit. This country is Iceland and is located in the extreme northeast of Europe, it's territory also includes small islands and islets in the Atlantic Ocean. It has a very small population, of only 368,792 people in 2021.

One of the reasons why I would like to visit this country is because of its great biodiversity and beautiful landscapes, there you can see the northern lights, which are one of the most incredible phenomena that can be observed in nature, this show is capable of painting the sky with different colors.

In addition, it has national parks that are protected by UNESCO and that are also a world heritage site.

The quality of life in Iceland is unmatched, as it is ranked as one of the safest countries in the world. On the other hand, they have one of the most advanced laws regarding human rights and an almost indescribable awareness of caring for the environment.

When I go, I would like to know all the national parks that it has, in addition to trying the typical food from there.

For this and many other reasons, I would love to be able to fulfill my dream of traveling to Iceland and being able to live in that magical land

Thanks for reading my post.


Hi everyone!   Today I come to talk about the changes to my study program. I'm in the fourth semester of my career (I am studying Chemis...